KAN-WIN is taking every action necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of our survivors, staff, supporters and community members. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us via our 24-hour hotline at 773-583-0880. In addition, our staff are available 9am-5pm during weekdays via office phone at 847-299-1392. You may also reach us at [email protected].
COVID-19's Impact on Our Community
Watch KAN-WIN's Executive Director, Ji Hye Kim, talking about the impact of COVID-19 on Asian immigrant survivors.
Crises are not “great equalizers.” The difficulties a pandemic brings can worsen inequalities in our society, and in particular the oppression that women, children, immigrants, and undocumented folks continuously face. Facts alone make clear the disproportionate demands and pain of our common crisis:
We at KAN-WIN know it is often those most in need of support who may not be getting it. It was already difficult for survivors to receive adequate healthcare, attain orders of protection, or pay rent and bills; with the added dangers and restrictions that come with living during COVID-19, there is little doubt how frightening this moment is for women, immigrants, and other vulnerable groups.
Those who are low income or have limited English proficiency are especially vulnerable to being impacted, despite being a vital part of our country's response to the virus.
As officials around the country order social distancing measures to stop the virus’s spread, advocates are acting quickly to reduce the harm that thrives behind closed doors. We know that the steps we all must take for public health can also mean great personal danger for those who live with their abusers. But this isolation does not need to get in the way of how we have always cared for our communities. As we hold our loved ones closer, it is also a time for us to reach out to neighbors, strangers, and lost connections. If you are in need of help, please don't hesitate to reach out to KAN-WIN, or take a look at the resources we have compiled in our Resources page.